Turner Game Network:
An immersive, TV-style consumer Interface for a subscription service
distributing classic video games to PC desktops. The "rotunda" interface
flys the user to stacked "floors" of additional game genres, where different
video guide characters pitch the offerings to the visitor. Note the
cylindrical menu system, in keeping with the concentric spatial definition.
A personal media creation application for the PlayStation2 and PC platforms.
Inserting a Memory Stick full of photos from your digital camera opens a new stack,
readily pruned and sorted, then shaped by a readymade template to make VR photo albums,
walkthroughts, animated greeting cards, etc. for sharing across the network.
MovieMix: Playstation2 broadband movie service prototype developed for Sony's Broadband
Network Company to promote its "OpenMG" digital rights management
system. Virtual shelves of 3D DVD boxes present a quick, fun, and easy
interface to browse, rent, and play movies directly on the TV set. As
the initial movie database is downloaded at the beginning of the session,
newly arriving titles join the ambient swirl of DVD boxes shown below.
So-Net Visual Messenger:
With this set-top application, the Japanese families' TV takes on the role of the
American families' refrigerator door. This family messaging service manages
cell-phone and email messages on the screen, handling video, voice, text and photo
A spiral menu interface winds through movie offerings, below.
So-net MyTV:
As one of the major ISPs in Tokyo, So-net sought differentiation from the PC-oriented competition
by proposing a plug-and-play "TV Router" box to bring interactive TV-style interfaces
to households via their broadband connection.
So-net's spatial interface for browsing video clips
on high definition PC screens, below.
VIAO Media Interface:
Sony's VAIO group launched a campaign positioning their products not as "laptop computers",
but rather as portable flat-screen media appliances. The TV-style interface study shown here
features continuous,
full-motion video in the interface, an unfolding media browser, and no desktop icons!